Run Tests
Conformance Tests Bin

Conformance Tests

interchaintest comes with a suite of conformance tests. These tests ensure IBC and relayer compatibility. On a high-level it tests:

  • client, channel, and connection creation
  • messages are properly relayed and acknowledged
  • packets are being properly timed out

You can view all the specific conformance test by reviewing them in the conformance folder.

Default Environment

To run conformance tests with the default chain and relayer configuration (gaiad <-> osmosisd with the Go Relayer), run the binary without any extra arguments:


To run same tests from source code:

go test -v ./cmd/interchaintest/

Custom Environment

Using the binary allows for easy custom chain pairs and custom testing environments.

This is accomplished via the -matrix argument.

interchaintest -matrix <path/to/matrix.json>

Example Matrix Files:

By passing in a matrix file you can customize these aspects of the environment:

Pre-Configured Chains

interchaintest comes with pre-configured chains. In the matrix file, if Name matches the name of any pre-configured chain, interchaintest will use standard settings UNLESS overriden in the matrix file. example_matrix_custom.json is an example of overriding all options.

Custom Binaries Chain binaries must be installed in a docker container. The Image array in the matrix json file allows you to pass in docker images with your chain binary of choice. If the docker image does not live in a public repository, can you pass in a local docker image like so:

        "Images": [
            "Repository": "<DOCKER IMAGE NAME>",
            "Version": "<DOCKER IMAGE TAG>"

If you are supplying custom docker images, you will need to fill out ALL values. See example_matrix_custom.json.

Note that the docker images for these pre-configured chains are being pulled from Heighliner (opens in a new tab) (repository of docker images of many IBC enabled chains). Heighliner needs to have the Version you are requesting.

Logs and block history

Logs, reports and a SQLite3 database files containing block info will be exported out to ~/.interchaintest/

Focusing on Specific Tests

You may focus on a specific tests using the<regex> flag.

interchaintest<test category>/<chain combination>/<relayer>/<test subcategory>/<test name>

If you want to focus on a specific test:


Example of narrowing your focus even more:

# run all tests for Go relayer
# run all tests for Go relayer and gaia chains
# only run no_timeout test for Go relayer and gaia chains